#include "stdlib/math/base/napi/binary.h"
stdlib_math_base_napi_dd_d( env, info, fcn )
Invokes a binary function accepting and returning double-precision floating-point numbers.
#include <node_api.h>
static double add( const double x, const double y ) {
return x + y;
napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) {
return stdlib_math_base_napi_dd_d( env, info, add );
The function accepts the following arguments:
- env:
[in] napi_env
environment under which the function is invoked. - info:
[in] napi_callback_info
callback data. - fcn:
[in] double (*fcn)( double, double )
binary function.
void stdlib_math_base_napi_dd_d( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info, double (*fcn)( double, double ) );
stdlib_math_base_napi_ff_f( env, info, fcn )
Invokes a binary function accepting and returning single-precision floating-point numbers.
#include <node_api.h>
static float addf( const float x, const float y ) {
return x + y;
napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) {
return stdlib_math_base_napi_ff_f( env, info, addf );
The function accepts the following arguments:
- env:
[in] napi_env
environment under which the function is invoked. - info:
[in] napi_callback_info
callback data. - fcn:
[in] float (*fcn)( float, float )
binary function.
void stdlib_math_base_napi_ff_f( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info, float (*fcn)( float, float ) );
```de "stdlib/math/base/napi/binary.h"
stdlib_math_base_napi_zz_z( env, info, fcn )
Invokes a binary function accepting and returning double-precision complex floating-point numbers.
#include "stdlib/complex/float64.h"
#include "stdlib/complex/reim.h"
#include <node_api.h>
static stdlib_complex128_t add( const stdlib_complex128_t x, const stdlib_complex128_t y ) {
double xre;
double xim;
double yre;
double yim;
double re;
double im;
stdlib_reim( x, &xre, &xim );
stdlib_reim( y, &yre, &yim );
re = xre + yre;
im = xim + yim;
return stdlib_complex128( re, im );
napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) {
return stdlib_math_base_napi_zz_z( env, info, add );
The function accepts the following arguments:
- env:
[in] napi_env
environment under which the function is invoked. - info:
[in] napi_callback_info
callback data. - fcn:
[in] stdlib_complex128_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex128_t, stdlib_complex128_t )
binary function.
void stdlib_math_base_napi_zz_z( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info, stdlib_complex128_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex128_t, stdlib_complex128_t ) );
stdlib_math_base_napi_cc_c( env, info, fcn )
Invokes a binary function accepting and returning single-precision complex floating-point numbers.
#include "stdlib/complex/float64.h"
#include "stdlib/complex/reim.h"
#include <node_api.h>
static stdlib_complex64_t add( const stdlib_complex64_t x, const stdlib_complex64_t y ) {
float xre;
float xim;
float yre;
float yim;
float re;
float im;
stdlib_reimf( x, &xre, &xim );
stdlib_reimf( y, &yre, &yim );
re = xre + yre;
im = xim + yim;
return stdlib_complex64( re, im );
napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) {
return stdlib_math_base_napi_cc_c( env, info, add );
The function accepts the following arguments:
- env:
[in] napi_env
environment under which the function is invoked. - info:
[in] napi_callback_info
callback data. - fcn:
[in] stdlib_complex64_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex64_t, stdlib_complex64_t )
binary function.
void stdlib_math_base_napi_cc_c( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info, stdlib_complex64_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex64_t, stdlib_complex64_t ) );
stdlib_math_base_napi_di_d( env, info, fcn )
Invokes a binary function accepting a double-precision floating-point number and a signed 32-bit integer and returning a double-precision floating-point number.
#include <node_api.h>
#include <stdint.h>
static double mul( const double x, const int32_t y ) {
return x * y;
napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) {
return stdlib_math_base_napi_di_d( env, info, mul );
The function accepts the following arguments:
- env:
[in] napi_env
environment under which the function is invoked. - info:
[in] napi_callback_info
callback data. - fcn:
[in] double (*fcn)( double, int32_t )
binary function.
void stdlib_math_base_napi_di_d( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info, double (*fcn)( double, int32_t ) );
stdlib_math_base_napi_fi_f( env, info, fcn )
Invokes a binary function accepting a single-precision floating-point number and a signed 32-bit integer and returning a single-precision floating-point number.
#include <node_api.h>
#include <stdint.h>
static float mulf( const float x, const int32_t y ) {
return x * y;
napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) {
return stdlib_math_base_napi_fi_f( env, info, mulf );
The function accepts the following arguments:
- env:
[in] napi_env
environment under which the function is invoked. - info:
[in] napi_callback_info
callback data. - fcn:
[in] float (*fcn)( float, int32_t )
binary function.
void stdlib_math_base_napi_fi_f( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info, float (*fcn)( float, int32_t ) );
stdlib_math_base_napi_zi_z( env, info, fcn )
Invokes a binary function accepting a double-precision complex floating-point number and a signed 32-bit integer and returning a double-precision complex floating-point number.
#include "stdlib/complex/float64.h"
#include "stdlib/complex/reim.h"
#include <node_api.h>
#include <stdint.h>
static stdlib_complex128_t mul( const stdlib_complex128_t x, const int32_t y ) {
double xre;
double xim;
double re;
double im;
stdlib_reim( x, &xre, &xim );
re = xre * y;
im = xim * y;
return stdlib_complex128( re, im );
napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) {
return stdlib_math_base_napi_zi_z( env, info, mul );
The function accepts the following arguments:
- env:
[in] napi_env
environment under which the function is invoked. - info:
[in] napi_callback_info
callback data. - fcn:
[in] stdlib_complex128_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex128_t, int32_t )
binary function.
void stdlib_math_base_napi_zi_z( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info, stdlib_complex128_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex128_t, int32_t ) );
stdlib_math_base_napi_ci_c( env, info, fcn )
Invokes a binary function accepting a single-precision complex floating-point number and a signed 32-bit integer and returning a single-precision complex floating-point number.
#include "stdlib/complex/float64.h"
#include "stdlib/complex/reimf.h"
#include <node_api.h>
#include <stdint.h>
static stdlib_complex64_t mul( const stdlib_complex64_t x, const int32_t y ) {
float xre;
float xim;
float re;
float im;
stdlib_reimf( x, &xre, &xim );
re = xre * y;
im = xim * y;
return stdlib_complex64( re, im );
napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) {
return stdlib_math_base_napi_ci_c( env, info, mul );
The function accepts the following arguments:
- env:
[in] napi_env
environment under which the function is invoked. - info:
[in] napi_callback_info
callback data. - fcn:
[in] stdlib_complex64_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex64_t, int32_t )
binary function.
void stdlib_math_base_napi_ci_c( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info, stdlib_complex64_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex64_t, int32_t ) );
Macro for registering a Node-API module exporting an interface for invoking a binary function accepting and returning double-precision floating-point numbers.
static double add( const double x, const double y ) {
return x + y;
The macro expects the following arguments:
- fcn:
double (*fcn)( double, double )
binary function.
When used, this macro should be used instead of NAPI_MODULE
. The macro includes NAPI_MODULE
, thus ensuring Node-API module registration.
Macro for registering a Node-API module exporting an interface for invoking a binary function accepting and returning single-precision floating-point numbers.
static float addf( const float x, const float y ) {
return x + y;
The macro expects the following arguments:
- fcn:
float (*fcn)( float, float )
binary function.
When used, this macro should be used instead of NAPI_MODULE
. The macro includes NAPI_MODULE
, thus ensuring Node-API module registration.
Macro for registering a Node-API module exporting an interface for invoking a binary function accepting and returning double-precision complex floating-point numbers.
#include "stdlib/complex/float64.h"
#include "stdlib/complex/reim.h"
static stdlib_complex128_t add( const stdlib_complex128_t x, const stdlib_complex128_t y ) {
double xre;
double xim;
double yre;
double yim;
double re;
double im;
stdlib_reim( x, &xre, &xim );
stdlib_reim( y, &yre, &yim );
re = xre + yre;
im = xim + yim;
return stdlib_complex128( re, im );
The macro expects the following arguments:
- fcn:
stdlib_complex128_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex128_t, stdlib_complex128_t )
binary function.
When used, this macro should be used instead of NAPI_MODULE
. The macro includes NAPI_MODULE
, thus ensuring Node-API module registration.
Macro for registering a Node-API module exporting an interface for invoking a binary function accepting and returning single-precision complex floating-point numbers.
#include "stdlib/complex/float32.h"
#include "stdlib/complex/reimf.h"
static stdlib_complex64_t add( const stdlib_complex64_t x, const stdlib_complex64_t y ) {
float xre;
float xim;
float yre;
float yim;
float re;
float im;
stdlib_reimf( x, &xre, &xim );
stdlib_reimf( y, &yre, &yim );
re = xre + yre;
im = xim + yim;
return stdlib_complex64( re, im );
The macro expects the following arguments:
- fcn:
stdlib_complex64_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex64_t, stdlib_complex64_t )
binary function.
When used, this macro should be used instead of NAPI_MODULE
. The macro includes NAPI_MODULE
, thus ensuring Node-API module registration.
Macro for registering a Node-API module exporting an interface invoking a binary function accepting a double-precision floating-point number and a signed 32-bit integer and returning a double-precision floating-point number.
#include <stdint.h>
static double mul( const double x, const int32_t y ) {
return x * y;
The macro expects the following arguments:
- fcn:
double (*fcn)( double, int32_t )
binary function.
When used, this macro should be used instead of NAPI_MODULE
. The macro includes NAPI_MODULE
, thus ensuring Node-API module registration.
Macro for registering a Node-API module exporting an interface invoking a binary function accepting a single-precision floating-point number and a signed 32-bit integer and returning a single-precision floating-point number.
#include <stdint.h>
static float mulf( const float x, const int32_t y ) {
return x * y;
The macro expects the following arguments:
- fcn:
float (*fcn)( float, int32_t )
binary function.
When used, this macro should be used instead of NAPI_MODULE
. The macro includes NAPI_MODULE
, thus ensuring Node-API module registration.
Macro for registering a Node-API module exporting an interface invoking a binary function accepting a double-precision complex floating-point number and a signed 32-bit and returning a double-precision complex floating-point number.
#include "stdlib/complex/float64.h"
#include "stdlib/complex/reim.h"
#include <stdint.h>
static stdlib_complex128_t mul( const stdlib_complex128_t x, const int32_t y ) {
double xre;
double xim;
double re;
double im;
stdlib_reim( x, &xre, &xim );
re = xre * y;
im = xim * y;
return stdlib_complex128( re, im );
The macro expects the following arguments:
- fcn:
stdlib_complex128_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex128_t, int32_t )
binary function.
When used, this macro should be used instead of NAPI_MODULE
. The macro includes NAPI_MODULE
, thus ensuring Node-API module registration.
Macro for registering a Node-API module exporting an interface invoking a binary function accepting a single-precision complex floating-point number and a signed 32-bit integer and returning a single-precision complex floating-point number.
#include "stdlib/complex/float32.h"
#include "stdlib/complex/reimf.h"
#include <stdint.h>
static stdlib_complex64_t add( const stdlib_complex64_t x, const int32_t y ) {
float xre;
float xim;
float re;
float im;
stdlib_reimf( x, &xre, &xim );
re = xre * y;
im = xim * y;
return stdlib_complex64( re, im );
The macro expects the following arguments:
- fcn:
stdlib_complex64_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex64_t, int32_t )
binary function.
When used, this macro should be used instead of NAPI_MODULE
. The macro includes NAPI_MODULE
, thus ensuring Node-API module registration.
Macro for registering a Node-API module exporting an interface invoking a binary function accepting a double-precision complex floating-point number and a double-precision floating-point number and returning a double-precision complex floating-point number.
#include "stdlib/complex/float64.h"
#include "stdlib/complex/reim.h"
static stdlib_complex128_t mul( const stdlib_complex128_t x, const double y ) {
double xre;
double xim;
double re;
double im;
stdlib_reim( x, &xre, &xim );
re = xre * y;
im = xim * y;
return stdlib_complex128( re, im );
The macro expects the following arguments:
- fcn:
stdlib_complex128_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex128_t, double )
binary function.
When used, this macro should be used instead of NAPI_MODULE
. The macro includes NAPI_MODULE
, thus ensuring Node-API module registration.
Macro for registering a Node-API module exporting an interface invoking a binary function accepting a single-precision complex floating-point number and a single-precision floating-point number and returning a single-precision complex floating-point number.
#include "stdlib/complex/float32.h"
#include "stdlib/complex/reimf.h"
static stdlib_complex64_t add( const stdlib_complex64_t x, const float y ) {
float xre;
float xim;
float re;
float im;
stdlib_reimf( x, &xre, &xim );
re = xre * y;
im = xim * y;
return stdlib_complex64( re, im );
The macro expects the following arguments:
- fcn:
stdlib_complex64_t (*fcn)( stdlib_complex64_t, float )
binary function.
When used, this macro should be used instead of NAPI_MODULE
. The macro includes NAPI_MODULE
, thus ensuring Node-API module registration.